Information data management in big data. Case study: E-Albania government portal.
- 1 Department of Production and Management, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania
Big Data is becoming one of the most important technology trends. It presents a potential that is radically changing the way organizations use their information to be closer to customers by organizing in a way that benefits from the customer experience and transforms their business models.
Although Big Data is an ever-climbing trend in terms of industry, its meaning is still hidden by many conceptual ambiguities. The term is used to describe a wide range of concepts: from technological ability to storage, aggregation, data processing and finally their generation. In this paper the focus is at Big Data, because they are the technology of the future and in one way or another, they are affecting every field of industry. Furthermore, companies are increasingly trusting the possibility of using data as a valuable business asset to benefit and bring a competitive advantage compared to other companies. In the paper is presented also a SWOT Analysis that is conducted about Big Data information showing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks that they carry. Also are presented the challenges of Big Data Technologies for the future. At the end of the paper, there are conclusions and recommendations about the topic.
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