Virtual workplace: current knowledge, changes and a new perspective on the way of work. A Systematic Literature Review

  • 1 University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia


Today’s world is full of rapid changes, accompanied by an unsustainable pace of technological development. Thanks to the advent of virtualization, the way of working is changing as the dependence on time and space ceases to influence work opportunities. Globalization, information, and communication technologies mean that we are encountering more and more concepts such as virtual teams, virtual leadership, or remote working in companies. At the same time, virtualization, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, opens up a range of new issues that require greater interest from researchers – such as the specifics of women working from home, the gender gap, ways of coping with stress, and others. Our paper is therefore dedicated to a systematic review of the literature on virtualization. Based on a qualitative analysis of the 30 most cited works from the Web of Science database that relate to the topic of the virtual workplace and were published in 2018-2022, we provide an overview of the current issues and challenges facing the corporate sector today. The VOSviewer and Voyant Tools software were used for the systematic literature review. Our research provides an overview of the most important topics related to virtualization while presenting problems and existing research gaps.



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