Personal noise exposure level and the impact on the employee’s performance in the automotive industry

  • 1 Goce Delcev University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Stip, North Macedonia
  • 2 Goce Delcev University, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Stip, North Macedonia
  • 3 Unviersity Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje, North Macedoniaona


In today’s demanding market environment the companies need to deliver high quality product to their customers and in parallel to maintain an ergonomic workplace for their employees to increase the productivity. The purpose of this paper is determination of the personal noise exposure level caused by the machines and equipment installed in all organization units in an auto part production plant. The noise level was measured and analysed with noise measurements equipment – dosimeters and software tool at 25 measurement points across the plant. In addition, the strength between the variables, noise levels and concentration, is presented with correlation coefficient.



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