Investigation of the academic entrepreneurship: research design

  • 1 University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences


The paper presents the research design of an international project focused on academic entrepreneurship culture and entrepreneurial education. The entrepreneurship is a key feature of the market economy and the democratic development of the countries, leading to better living standard. However, the entrepreneurial culture, knowledge and skills need to be upgraded in countries, who used to apply a planned economy approach. Thus, an examination of the current state of entrepreneurial culture is required and an approach for its development needs to be provided. The academic environment is the best place, where such an examination can be performed, and proposal can be elaborated. The current paper presents an international project, aiming to explore unrevealed strengths of academic entrepreneurship in detail and in various aspects oriented to students, academic staff, and businesspeople. The paper aims to present the scientific context in which the project is positioned and the research design of the project.



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