Digital transformation and corporate culture: shaping work-life balance and employee wellbeing – A systematic literature review
- 1 University of Economics Bratislava, Slovakia
This article provides a systematic literature review to explore the relationship between digital transformation and corporate culture, focusing on their impact on employees’ work-life balance and well-being. In today’s dynamically changing work environment, the rapid adaptation of businesses to digital technologies figures prominently in changing corporate practices. This transition to the digital era has a significant impact on employees’ personal and professional lives, which must also remain a key area of research interest. This review will focus on two key research areas: (1) the role of digital technologies and teleworking in shaping work-life balance, and (2) corporate culture in the context of digital transformation. Within the research findings, there is considerable current literature on how companies can use digital technologies to their advantage while shaping a strong corporate culture to improve work-life balance and employee well-being.
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