Effects of the innovational development of energy sources based on the usage of domestic waste
Given that the topic of the invention of new technologies for the usage of alternative energy sources is following an ascending rate of constant innovative solutions, the problem with the detection of all iconomical and ecological side effects also needs to be brought to attention. Similar is the problem with the usage of renewable energy sources based on domestic waste which is also developing in that direction. This is why the initensive factors for the progress of this process are changing their dimensions and are going to be closely related with both the effective usage and improvement of the technologies, and the raising of the overall efficiency, taking into account the benefits of solving social, ecological, household and other problems. Also similar is the problem with the domestic waste used as raw material for renewable energy sources. The subject of observation of this present article is the development of this process based on innovation and the raising of its efficiency, also taking into account the side effects related to the ecology, solid and domestic waste. Measurement indicators for these effects with unified dimentional unit (leva) are suggested and an approach for measurement of their manifestation is formulated.
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