Innovative economy: Trends and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative processes
- 1 Head of the Department of Economics, Analysis and Statistics of the Altai State Agricultural University, Russia
- 2 Head of the Analytical Research Center of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
In scientific view, an innovative economy is an economy that is based on knowledge, new achievements in science, technology and highly intellectual capital. The article defines the main components of the innovative economy, each of which reaches a competitive level according to international criteria: first of all, it is innovative potential; institutional innovation system; innovative infrastructure and highly organized forms of interaction of economic entities, including innovation centers, technoparks, technopolises, clusters, venture business and others; favorable environment for human capital growth. In the course of the study, we have given scientific credence to the indicators of innovative development of economy, criteria and indicators for assessing innovative nature of production, innovation activity at the levels of enterprises, organizations, territories, as well as indicators of innovation commitment of economy and the effectiveness of innovative processes.
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