The research peculierities of parameters and choice of agricultural machines in pedagogical technologies for innovative project activity in training agroengineers

  • 1 Ukraine, Vinnytsia National Agricultural University


The structural-logical model of training of future specialists in agroengineering for innovative project activity has been developed on the basis of a systematic comprehensive study of the theoretical course of agricultural machines, the deepening of the students’ scientific work on the development of supporting and moving elements of machine-tractor units, including pneumatic tires. The samples of individual fragments from the algorithm and the method of calculation of wheels used in the educational process are provided and the general and professional competencies of the agroengineer are created, especially during the implementation of future specialists in agroindustrial production of higher education courses in the course of master’s and master’s studies. It is noted that the training of agroengineers for innovative project activities is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and the standards of higher education of Ukraine. The influence of interdisciplinarity in the system of cross-cutting project preparation on the readiness for implementation of production practical tasks is investigated. It is confirmed that the support-run elements of aggregates in the conditions of complex terrain contributes to the development of erosion processes and negatively affect the soil fertility. Any tire better satisfies the condition of permissible wheel pressure on the soil if the air pressure in the tire is low. Improving the technological process of manufacturing tires for agricultural purposes allows them to ensure their quality, reliability and operational safety.



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