An Integrated Approach toward a sustainable transport sector using EnergyPLAN model: case of Albania
- 1 Department of Energy, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
- 2 Department of Hydraulic & Hydrotechnic, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
- 3 CRB Italian Biomass Research Centre, University of Perugia, Italy
- 4 CRB Italian Biomass Research Centre, University of Perugia, 06100 Perugia, Italy
In Albania, prior to the 1990’s, the industrial sector was the leading energy consumption sector but actually, the main cause of pollution especially in urban areas, carcinogenic, respiratory and heart diseases come from road transport sector. The environmental situation in Albania after 30 years has undergone major changes due to factors that directly or indirectly influence the degree of its pollution which still remain an unresolved issue. Tirana’s fleet vehicle shares around 35% of the total car fleet registered in Albania. DCI vehicles constitute approximately 71% and the rest petrol powered engine, while the number of EV and other friendly fuel sources is almost zero. The proposed work aims at developing different transport scenarios contributing to the mitigation of GHG in Albania. Using EnergyPLAN model, 3 different scenarios are proposed, considering both most prominent national documents firstly: “Albanian Energy Strategy 2018- 2030” which requires a reduction level of CO2 by 11.5% in 2030 referring to 2006 to attain a RES share of 42% to the TPES and secondly to create a sustainable transport sector as foreseen in “National Sector Strategy for Transport 2016-2020”. This modelling framework analyse the actual transport situation and can address some beneficial values and solution which can be used from policy makers in the country to better assess the potential for a sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective transport sector based on RES.
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