Innovative method for repair of reinforced concrete water facilities by “wet” shotcreting
- 1 Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
The report presents the different stages of development and implementation of two similar innovative technical solutions for repair and restoration of defected reinforced-concrete constructions of existing swimming pool and artificial lake using the methods of “wet” shotcreting. In the first case, the object of renovation is a seriously defected outdoor mineral pool of a prestigious hotel in the town of Hissarya. Given the significant leaks of water from the pool in the surrounding area over the years, a specialized technical inspection was initially conducted to determine the causes of defects in the main load-bearing monolithic steel-reinforced concrete construction – walls and bottom slab. An innovative technical solution has been proposed to restore the operational suitability of the pool, based on the possibility of using the existing load-bearing structure as external formwork for a new built-in load-bearing structure of the facility. The proposed solution envisages jointless thickening of the existing walls through additional reinforcement and concrete laying of new high-tech sprayed concrete. The bottom of the pool is being renovated by additional new layer of a hybrid fiber-reinforced jointless concrete slab and machine powerfloated of the finishing surface. A composition of high-tech concrete with the participation of an internal crystallization chemical admixture and shrinkage-compensating one is proposed. A similar solution has been applied for the repair and restoration of the walls and bottom of an artificial lake in West Park, Sofia. Implementation of the project creates a unique art vision of the lake, the rock garden and the surrounding park space. This pilot implementation creates objective preconditions for expanding the range of innovative concrete structural systems, which, in addition to specific functions, are also applicable as opportunities for aestheticizing the urban and park environment.
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