Innovative paper for innovative graphic products

    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 18 (2024), Issue 6, pg(s) 201-202

    In recent years, constantly changing global conditions and the increasing use of digital media have significantly impacted the printing industry, causing almost a complete transformation in this field. Newspaper circulations are declining, a trend substantially accelerated by the pandemic. On the other hand, the demand for paper or cardboard packaging increased during the pandemic, showing a promising future. The largest and fastest-growing market for corrugated cardboard is China, with its rapidly growing middle class and ecommerce giants. Prices of wood fibers, the primary raw material for paper production, have risen in recent years. This is due to various factors such as environmental regulations and so on. Rising energy prices have significantly contributed to the increase in production costs. Due to the rising prices of wood fibers, the APPLAUSE project was initiated, where papers and cardboards were made from invasive alien plants: Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis), and Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), as well as waste tomato stems (Solanum lycopersicum). All produced materials were also practically tested with various prototype products.”


    Change Management – The Impact of COVID-19 on Technology Use

    Science. Business. Society., Vol. 7 (2022), Issue 2, pg(s) 50-54

    Nowadays there are millions of people who use the internet and each of them is a potential customer for a company that offers online sales. Due to the rapid development of technology, companies that are interested in selling their products through the use of the internet will have to constantly seek for a competitive advantage in this fierce competition. E-commerce is emerging as a new way to help businesses increase competitiveness and thus contribute to the country’s economic success. The COVID-19 situation made people live differently, buy differently and think differently. During the period of total quarantine of individuals but also of shops, online trading was seen as a necessity by companies. The internet is a good way to get new requests from consumers. This is why it is important for online retailers. During the COVID-19 period, companies needed to manage change, finding new ways to be close to customers through online sales, but also designing new ways of working. The purpose of this article is to identify the management of changes by Albanian companies in the use of technology as well as e-commerce during and after the COVID -19 period.


    Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the distribution of teleworking in Bulgaria – social, occupational, and sectoral dimensions

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 7 (2022), Issue 5, pg(s) 195-197

    The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the related containment measures had a significant influence on the Bulgarian labour market. Economic activities where it was difficult to apply flexible regimes of work allowing the physical absence of the employee from the location of production or service provision were hit particularly high. Therefore, it is interesting from the research point of view to analyse the influence of the COVID-19 pandemics on the changes in the distribution of the remote work not only with a view of its coverage and frequency of application, but mainly in terms of its social, occupational, and sectoral characteristics. Such an analysis would contribute to better understating of the readiness of the Bulgarian labour market to implement the flexible regimes of work mediated by information and communication technologies. The analysis is based on the 10th round of the European Social Survey for Bulgaria.


    The impact of COV – 19 pandemic on use of public transport in selected city in Slovakia

    Trans Motauto World, Vol. 7 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 30-34

    The aim of the article was to analyze the impact of lockdowns carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic in Slovakia in the years 2020 and 2021 on changes in public transport utilization in a selected locality. The sample city was the city of Košice in Slovakia and the sample contained data about the number of transported persons by public transport in this city during single days in the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
    We created weekly time series from line graphs compiled for separate years. Subsequently, we analyzed the dynamics of individual time series using calculations of absolute and relative increments, basic indices, growth coefficients, absolute increment and total growth coefficient, and we modeled trends in time analysis and exponential adjustment for the observed years. We compared the years before the pandemic (2018, 2019) with the years most affected by the Corona crisis (2020, 2021). We evaluated the obtained data in the context of the timeline of ongoing lockdowns.


    Higher Education and COVID 19 in Conditions of Education 4.0

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 6 (2021), Issue 4, pg(s) 165-168

    In general, Education 4.0 is an institute of believed that promotes intelligent and smart thinking in education. Education 4.0 promotes education differently, mainly by consuming technology-based tools and resources. This is the most important goal of Education 4.0 for all educational institutions: to encourage students and improve students’ learning outcomes. Higher education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is an open, rational and dynamic door that can change the thinking of society and upgrade the living standard of the people. The epidemic outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has disrupted virtually all aspects of human life, including the tragic loss of many lives around the globe. COVID-19 provides the right opportunity for all universities to try to change the how of learning.


    Covid-19 impact on the going concern assessment – the management perspective

    Innovations, Vol. 9 (2021), Issue 3, pg(s) 96-99

    The pandemic outbreak has significantly impacted many businesses and their ability to continue operating as a going concern. Going concern is a basic accounting principle as well as one of the fundamental assumptions under the International Financial Reporting Standards. The management is responsible to determine whether the going concern assumption is relevant in the preparation of company’s financial statements. With the progress of the novel coronavirus the focus on whether an entity is a going concern should be heightened. Taking into consideration the continuing uncertainty in the Covid-19 environment, the aim of the paper is to discuss the challenges through the lens of the company’s management in the assessment of the going concern assumption. Few questions that should be considered when performing the analyses as well as some of the factors that contribute to a robust assessment are outlined. A special attention is given to disclosure requirements and their improvement in the Covid-19 context.


    Logistic equation for the study of COVID – 19 in Albania

    Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 5 (2021), Issue 2, pg(s) 78-82

    The rapid spread of COVID-19 disease worldwide has caused a frightening crisis in the health care system in many states. To prevent it, many states have taken various measures, including total blockades. In this paper we have used the logistic growth model to show the increase in the population of the number infected with the Covid-19 virus in Albania. The generalized logistic equation is used to interpret the COVID-19 epidemic data in Albania. The growth rate was calculated using two random data and the expected number of infected people. The predictions of the logistic model are as correct as the data are accurate, and that correct that they can imitate the dynamics of the epidemic. The model clearly shows that there is a correlation between real and projected data. When daily predictions of epidemic size begin to converge, we can say that the epidemic is under control. If we deviate from the forecast curve it may indicate that the  epidemic may get out of control. With a fully valid model, this type of information can be used as an example by policy makers to assess how to take appropriate action.