The intellectual factor of education in an innovative economy

    Innovations, Vol. 10 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 17-20

    The features of the functioning and development of the domestic education system in the context of the requirements of the state strategy for sustainable economic development are considered. The need to improve methodological approaches to the educational process with an increase in research and socio-humanitarian components is shown. Education in all forms of its manifestation in the form of a target process or self-learning is a systemic process in which professional skills and abilities are an important, but not a determining component of a harmonious member of society, which, through its activities, contributes to its progressive development. The fundamental goal of education is to form a harmonious personality, in which the talents laid down at the gene level are manifested and developed to the full extent in adequate accordance with moral criteria based on universal human values and national mentality.


    Fresh drinking water as the necessary component of freight base of container line

    Trans Motauto World, Vol. 5 (2020), Issue 3, pg(s) 90-92

    Existence of reliable/safe freight or transportation base is a requirement for establishing maritime transportation company. Therefore, Georgia has to search for internal freight base necessary for container transportation which is highly and permanently demanded on a global market. Pure drinking water represents such product for Georgia.
    According to UN, the world demand on the fresh water is increasing rapidly. The accessibility of it is decreasing day by day on our planet. It’s proved by the macroeconomic researches that Georgia possesses the resources of the world importance in the form of the fresh drinking water.
    The paper presents the methods of the transportation of fresh drinking water, calculation of the potential income received from the export and its role in the development of Georgian economy.



    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 12 (2018), Issue 2, pg(s) 69-71

    The inadequate economic policy in 90’s brings to destruction of basic sectors of the Bulgarian industry. Bulgaria is one of European’s countries mostly engaged with deindustrialization process. Nowadays we have to pay more attention to high technological sectors in industry which are based upon theoretical and practical knowledge that by its side is based of enormous investments in science. The condition of Bulgarian industry needs to focus urgently towards inculcating innovations and investments for increasing the enterprise competitiveness. The introducing innovations needs special attention nowadays because the rapidly speed of changes. The world had gone through the industrial time to the age of knowledge. In the fast developing global environment the strategic advantage can be brought by leaders of changes and the only way for that is by introducing innovations. An important role for the long term competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy has the increasing level of innovative enterprises which produce and inculcate new products and processes and the participation of the country in the global high technological manufacture. The reviving of the Bulgarian industry is connected with building new high-tech enterprises and a good example for that is Trakia economic zone (Plovdiv region, Bulgaria).



    Industry 4.0, Vol. 2 (2017), Issue 1, pg(s) 29-33

    Limited non-renewable resources and growing problems related to the protection of the environment are main reasons why renewable energy sources are used more and more. This paper presents compared technical and economic analyse of two renewable energy resources, biomass and waste water, for sanitary hot water preparation (DHW). Waste water (sewage) is a source of energy which can be used for heating and cooling buildings with heat pumps. The average waste water temperature such as found in restaurants, laundries, dormitories and etc. varies in the range of 20–40 °C through the whole year. The technology is simple and proven. Biomass as a renewable source of energy has the potential to offer a cost-effective and low carbon alternative to fossil fuels. It is considered as the renewable energy source with the highest potential to contribute to the energy needs of modern society for both the industrialized and developing countries worldwide. Renewable technologies are considered as clean sources of energy and optimal use of these resources are sustainable based on current and future economic and social needs. Compared analyse of the systems is applied for public institution „Home for male children and youth with disabilities“ Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, this institution use light fuel oil and elektricity for their energy needs. The aim of this paper is to provide specific information about technology, economics and potential savings.