Energy and exergy analysis of steam generator from nuclear power plant at four operating regimes
In this paper are presented results of the energy and exergy analyses related to the steam generator from nuclear power plant at four observed operating regimes. It is shown how the optimization processes and algorithms influence observed steam generator operation. The highest steam generator energy outlet is equal to 3012.17 MW and the lowest energy loss is 0.07 MW – both of them are obtained by using Genetic Algorithm (GA). Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) gives fluid operating parameters which will result with the lowest steam generator exergy destruction (107.05 MW) and the highest exergy efficiency (92.709%) in comparison to all other operating regimes. During the increase in ambient temperature from 5 °C up to 45 °C the lowest decrease in steam generator exergy efficiency (equal to 2.0136%) is obtained in the second operating regime which operating parameters are defined by using WOA. Final conclusion which can be derived from the observed research is that WOA has the most beneficial influence on the steam generator operation.