• 1 Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Miusskaya sq. 4, Moscow, Russia


The application of a rigorous CFD method and an all-encompassing algorithmic performance optimization method can make possible the CFD simulation of the extremely large-scale problems, which allows simulation of either larger systems, or more detailed simulation of systems that are already simulated. The CFD code has to show both efficient one-node performance and excellent parallel scaling. The record breaking performance on one node has been achieved before with application of the LRnLA algorithm and making use of many core parallelism as well as the vectorization. In the current work, the algorithm is extended for many-node parallelism. The algorithms is characterized by high parallelization degree, small number of node communication events, and may be concisely described and programmed on the base of the previously implemented one-node solution, which is a rare feature among the algorithms with temporal blocking in all four of the spatial and time dimensions.



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