Modeling and simulation of forging processes

  • 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Skopje, Rep. of North Macedonia


Forging is an experience-oriented technology. The physical phenomena that describe the forging operations are difficult to express with quantitative relationships. In order to avoid the trail-and-error method, we use numerical simulations for studying the forging process. With the help of these simulations, the engineers are able to uncover the potential defects which may happen during the forging process. Concurrent Engineering (CE) helps in making the forging process more effective. In the CE system, each modification of the product represents a taxonomical relationship between specifications, outputs, and the concept it represents. In the study, the forging process of a disc shaped part is analysed. Thanks to numerical simulations it is determined that the dimensions of the billet are larger than needed. This resulted in overfilling the flash of the tool, thus the simulation was unsuccessful. After correcting the dimensions of the billet, the simulation ran with no interruptions.



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