Comparison of three methods for the pump energy analysis
- 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
This paper presents a comparison of three methods for any pump energy analysis. Each method is used for the analysis of three different water pumps from the conventional steam thermal power plant – two feed water pumps (FWP1 and FWP2) and condensate pump (CP). For each pump three essential types of mechanical power which defines all energy analysis methods are: delivered power from power producer, real (polytropic) power and ideal (isentropic) power. Method 1 which compares delivered and real (polytropic) power show the best performances, while Method 3 which compare delivered and ideal (isentropic) power should be avoided because it results with too high energy power loss and too low energy efficiency of any pump. Method 2 which compares real (polytropic) and ideal (isentropic) pump power can be used as a good compromise for the pump energy analysis in the most of the cases – its results are similar to results of Method 1.
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