60 MW steam turbine conventional and segmental isentropic analyses comparison

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia


This paper presents results of two different isentropic analysis types: conventional isentropic analysis which considers the whole steam turbine cylinder and segmental isentropic analysis which considers all cylinder parts (segments). In conventional isentropic analysis is obtained that isentropic efficiency of the analyzed turbine is 73.39%, what is in a range of expected isentropic efficiencies for such steam turbines (in the mechanical power range around 60 MW). Segmental isentropic analysis shows that the last two segments (fifth and sixth segment) of the analyzed turbine did not show proper operation (especially the fifth turbine segment which isentropic efficiency is unacceptably low and equal to 26.73% only). Such isentropic efficiency results, related to the fifth and sixth turbine segment, indicate highly problematic operation, or the most likely malfunction of at least some turbine stages in these segments. For the analyzed steam turbine can be recommended that it should be stopped as soon as possible and that turbine stages mounted in the last two segments should be checked, repaired or replaced.



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