Exploring the Impact of Component Materials on the Energy Efficiency of Solar Panels for Water Heating: A Numerical and Experimental Investigation using labview Software

  • 1 Energy Department, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
  • 2 Geoinformatic Division, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania


This study examines the impact of component materials on the energy performance of solar panels designed for water heating. For this purpose, we have integrated numerical simulations and experimental analyzes enabled by algorithms developed with LabVIEW software. The primary objective of this investigation is to assess how the selection of materials in the construction of solar panels affects their overall efficiency in harnessing and converting solar energy into heat for water heating purposes. The research methodology involves the development and implementation of advanced algorithms using LabVIEW, a versatile software platform known for its proficiency in data acquisition, analysis, and control. Numerical simulations focus on modeling the behavior of solar panels under different conditions, taking into account factors such as radiation, temperature and the specific characteristics of different component materials. These simulations provide valuable assessments of theoretical aspects of solar panel performance and enable the identification of optimal material combinations. Through the physical model, experimental studies are conducted to validate the simulated results. Physical prototypes of solar panel components are built using various materials and their performance is rigorously evaluated under real-world conditions. Experimental measurements allow data collection, and enable comparative analysis with numerical simulations. The results of this study aim to contribute to the advancement of solar panel technology by providing a deeper understanding of how material choices affect energy efficiency. Moreover, the use of LabVIEW software in the development of algorithms ensures a systematic and accurate analysis of numerical and experimental data.



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