Structure and magnetic properties of 1.4541 stainless steel

  • 1 Scientific–Practical Materials Research Centre NASB, Minsk, Belarus
  • 2 “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania


The influence of corrosion action of Mediterranean, Black and Aegean sea waters on 1.4541 stainless steel structure and magnetic properties is studied. Samples of investigated stainless steel was exposed by marine corrosion action at 25ºC. Crystal structure before and after corrosive action of all sea waters types was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) in CuKα-radiation at room temperature. Temperature dependences of the specific magnetization were studied by the ponderomotive method in the temperature range of 77 – 1100 K in the magnetic field of 0.86 Tesla. It revealed, that crystal structure and specific magnetic characteristics of 1.4541 alloy are resistant to corrosion action of Mediterranean, Black and Aegean sea waters.



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