The Effect of Alumina Particles Reinforcement on the Mechanical Properties of Base Alloy Melt of (6061)

  • 1 Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan


This paper aims to study the reinforcement effects of alumina (23) particles on the mechanical properties of base alloy melt of (6061). The samples of metallic composites with dispersed particles percentage (5%, 10% and 15%) are prepared by casting vortex method, which help the particles entrance in the matrix and distribution of it in homogeneous form. The purpose of this study is to improve the hardness, impact strength, tensile strength, and compressive strength, which are increased with the increment of the added particle’s amount due to the hardness of alumina particles. Based on the results it concluded that the value of the durability increases with the increase in the percentages of the particles by weight between three stages. Also, the addition of aluminum oxide particles increased the tensile resistance and thus improved the mechanical properties of the base material. It was also noted that with the addition of aluminum oxide, the melting point of the metal increased and reached about 980 degrees Celsius.



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