Experimental measurements of magnetocrystalline anisotropy constants of evaporated cobalt-based thin films
- 1 Laboratory of Surfaces and Interfaces Studies of Solid Materials (LESIMS), Faculty of Technology, Ferhat ABBAS Sétif1 University, Sétif, , Algeria
Under a base pressure of 10-7 mbar, we used physical vapor deposition process to fabricate cobalt-based thin films onto monocrystalline silicon Si (100) substrates. The incident atomic beam reaches the substrates under normal incidence within a home-made evaporation chamber. The thickness of the synthesized films ranges from 50 to 400 nm. From X-ray diffraction measurements we infer that the samples are polycrystalline, through a hexagonal close packed structure and display a <0001> preferred orientation. The crystallite sizes increase with the magnetic layer thickness increase. The films are subject to a compressive stress. Magnetic force microscopy images exhibit stripe patterns for the thickest films and hysteresis loops infer that the easy magnetization vector lies in the film plane. We used Brillouin light scattering tool to measure magnetic anisotropy factor. Values of Ku higher than 106 erg.cm-3 have been measured.
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