Substitution of gear-bar mechanism with bar mechanism on the infeed mechanism of bottle washer
In this paper we will consider substitution of special mechanism, part of bottle washer, which caries bottles to special „baskets“. These mechanism are mostly gear-bar mechanism and their construction is very expensive and overhauls last too long because of complexity of mechanisms..
Mechanisms synthesis based on highly developed analytical / numerical procedures will be considered in this thesis. This means that we will develop procedure for constructing bar mechanism which will be able to fulfill our task to transfer bottles into „ baskets”, and to return into start position. The mechanism should also meet requirements in terms of main dimensions, which should be the same as for the old mechanism so the substitution can be performed. Special attention will be paid to analyze the singular positions of the mechanism when it loses mobility. These positions it is necessary to solve in a way so that mechanism continues to move and perform its function.