Procedure for determination of the calibration curve of the measurement device using the method of linear regression

  • 1 UNIQA North Macedonia AD
  • 2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Goce Delcev University in Stip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • 3 RZ Inter-transsped AD Skopje
  • 4 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius, University in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia


The result of each measurement consists big or small measurement uncertainty. Many sources of uncertainty, especially in industry measurements, are not well studied and require further researchment. Therefore, it is important to have good knowledge about measurement uncertainty in order to minimize as much as possible.
The results of performed analyse and the study of the opportunities for application of the method of linear regression for determination the calibration curve of the measurement device are presented in this paper. The researchment refers to the assessment of the measurement uncertainty type A and B, as well as the combined and extended uncertainty of the measurement result.
By the fulfillment of the assumption for realization of an engineering experiment, with possession of mathematical, technical and practical experience of the operator and the computer supported analytical process, the calibration curve of the measurement device is determined, as well as the extended uncertainty of the measurement result. In this way, a stable measurement process will be achieved, a consistent measurement result, with an increased level of confidence.



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