• 1 Faculty of Transportation Engineering – University of Architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Republic of Bulgaria


Interoperability for newly adopted countries in the EU is key to trains safety. Calculating the braking force used by the Leaflet 544-1 of the UIC Leaflet [1] brake elements is important for safety when running trains in the braking mode.
The researching of the facts shows that Regulation 58 [2] is harmonized with the contents of UIC Leaflet 544-1[1] and EU Regulation No 1302/2014 [3]. The test is to be used for the interoperability of the technical infrastructure in connection with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1299/2014 of 18 November 2014 [4] on technical specifications for interoperability with respect to the infrastructure subsystem of the railway system in the Union concerned.
When designing the rail lines used braking calculation, made by easy way remain based on the friction of the pads on the wheel surface, but it is not related to the examples in the UIC Leaflet 544-1 [1].



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