Preparation and properties of carbon adsorbents based on plant raw materials and polymeric waste
- 1 Faculty of Biotechnology and Industrial Ecology - Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
The object of the research is waste polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethyleneterephthalate and polyvinylchloride, which are subjected to pyrolysis utilization with plant raw materials as a carrier. The purpose of the study is the thermal processing of these wastes into carbon adsorbents and the analysis of their adsorption properties. Combinations of the most spread polymeric wastes and plant raw materials, as well as products of its transformation (wood, peat, lignite, coal and its coke) were studied as feedstocks for the production of carbon adsorbents. The temperature regime of pyrolysis of plant materials was determined according to the results of thermographic analysis. The effect of the type of raw materials and polymeric wastes on the yield and on the parameters of porous structure of the produced adsorbents was estimated and the high-quality samples among them were selected.
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