Exergy analysis of steam condenser at various loads during the ambient temperature change

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
  • 2 University of Zadar, Maritime Department, Zadar, Croatia


The paper presents an exergy analysis of steam condenser at three different loads and in the ambient temperature range between 5 °C and 20 °C. An increase in the condenser load and increase in the ambient temperature resulted with an increase in steam condenser exergy destruction (exergy power losses). At low load, condenser exergy destruction is for the order of magnitude lower if compared to middle and high condenser loads. Decrease of the condenser load and decrease of the ambient temperature resulted with an increase in condenser exergy efficiency. The highest steam condenser exergy efficiencies are obtained at the lowest observed ambient temperature of 5 °C and amounts 81.47 % at low condenser load, 76.10 % at middle condenser load and 74.54 % at high condenser load. From the exergy viewpoint, the optimal condenser operating regime is low load and the lowest possible ambient temperature.



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