Investigation on single phase induction motor efficiency and starting capability enhancement by incorporating magnesium alloys rotors

  • 1 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece


There is an increasing interest in saving energy through improving single phase induction motors (SPIMs) efficiency due to recent environmental concerns and industrial trends. According to the latest efficiency standards the minimum efficiency that the SPIMs have to present is that of IE3 (premium efficiency). Aiming to meet this target, the researchers have focused on the implementation of new manufacturing techniques, the development of effective design methodologies and the incorporation of advanced but also low-cost materials. In the most cases, the SPIMs rotor is constructed of a high-conductivity material, such as the die-cast copper, which benefits the motor’s efficiency, but deteriorates its starting performance. Thus, the aim of this work is to investigate if the use of die-cast magnesium alloys, which present lower electrical conductivity and cost than the corresponding ones of copper, could lead to the development of topologies with enhanced efficiency and starting capability. To make this happen, the authors proceeded to several investigations regarding the rotor slot configuration and the selection of the proper windings turns ratio along with the run-capacitor value. The derived topologies satisfied all the set requirements and have been proven to be advantageous over the die-cast rotor SPIMs by considering several operational characteristics



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