Improving the wear resistance of the meat comminutor knives by using the method of pulse-plasma hardening

  • 1 Faculty of Computer-Aided Engineering and Design Technologies
  • 2 Faculty of Electronical Technologies and Robotics


The paper presents experimental results of hardening of the meat comminutor knives by using the pulse-plasma method. A search for existing methods for increasing the wear resistance of knives of meat-cutting machines has been carried out. The determination of the increase in wear resistance of the meat comminutor knives has been carried out according to the following stages: knives hardening; knives testing on the meat comminutor with the simultaneous execution of control prints; determination of the radius of blade curvature using an optical microscope and processing of research results. It is experimentally established that the use of the proposed method allows to increase the wear resistance of the meat comminutor knives by 4 times. Also, during the study, the optimal hardening modes of the meat comminutor knives are determined. The graphical dependence of the amount of knives wear on the presence and regime of hardening treatment is presented.



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