Influence of technological parameters of FDM-print on the strength characteristics of samples of polyamide
- 1 Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus
- 2 Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria
The article presents the results of a study of the influence of technological parameters of FDM-printing of samples based on aliphatic polyamide on the deformation and strength characteristics of products based on it. The anomalous nature of the increase in the tensile strength during the destruction of samples obtained by increasing the print speed is shown. A decrease in the strength of the samples was noted with an increase in the number of simultaneously printed products. The main factor determining the strength characteristics of FDM products is interlayer autohesion. The need for the use of materials science solutions that contribute to an increase in interlayer interaction in products obtained by layer-by-layer deposition is indicated.
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