Glass forming ability and crystallization behaviour of amorphous and nanosized rapidly solidified (Al75Cu17Mg8)100-xZnx alloys

  • 1 Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies with Hydro - and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski”- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • 2 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


The rapidly solidified (Al75Cu17Mg8)100-xZnx( x=0,1,2,3 at. %) alloys were obtained by melting in an induction furnace and then rapidly quenched by the planar flow casting (PFC) method in instalations, created at the IMSTCA-BAS. By TEM and X-ray analises were obtained data, that the microstructure of the alloys is an amorphous matrix with nanosized particles with dimensions 16÷.90 nm. The obtained amorphous alloys have relatively good glass forming ability. With increasing content of Zn the amount of the amorphous phase and glass transition temperature Tg also increase



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