Microcrystallites, granularity and agglomerates of detonation nanodiamonds

  • 1 Biysk Technological Institute of Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov, Biysk city, Russia


Energy-saturated materials are considered to be a source of cheap energy, while detonation synthesis is a new promising form of the basic technology for producing nanodiamonds and other super hard and ceramic nanomaterials. Nanodiamonds is a unique product that combines both the properties of diamond and the advantages of nanostructures. The given work investigated the synthesis products, obtained under industrial conditions, while having detonation of a mixture of trinitrotoluene (TNT) with gecsogen (RDX) and RDX with graphite. The sizes of microcrystallites were, estimated by X-ray diffraction analysis and particle grain size according to the measurement of specific surface area, agglomerate in water suspension after treatment by ultrasound. There was, shown the evolution of nanod iamonds particle sizes and microstructures, both in the primary synthesis products and after enrichment from non-diamond forms of carbon and technological impurities. Changes in the microstructure indicate a high reactivity of nanodiamonds. The obtained results can be useful for studying the mechanism of synthesis and practical application of detonation nanodiamonds.



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