Numerical analysis of metallographic preparation effect on the hardness of titanium alloy
- 1 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy – Sisak, Croatia
Titanium alloys due to their good properties are increasingly used in biomedicine. However, in order to improve certain properties, titanium-based alloys with new chemical compositions are designed. In order to be characterized in a satisfactory manner, they must first be adequately prepared. In this paper the two most influential parameters were varied: grinding time and force, while the speed of rotation of the grinding wheel was constant. After grinding with the highest gradation of grind paper, the samples were observed under a light microscope to determine the condition of the surface. Then their hardness was determined by the Vickers method with different indenter loads. After that, the samples were polished under the same conditions, and their hardness was determined again. The obtained hardness values were numerically analyzed and the corresponding functional dependences of the measured hardness on the grinding parameters (time and force) and on the indentation force were determined.
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