Research of the stress state of a gantry crane track

  • 1 University of Architecture Civil engineering and Geodesy - Sofia, Bulgaria


The technology of work in some industrial enterprises involves the using of the heavy lifting machines moving on a special railway track. The type and dimensions of the gantry crane and the crane track are in accordance to the size and weight of the processed loads and the final product. The gantry cranes and the crane tracks usually work outdoors in all weather conditions and aggressive environmental influences. Most of these facilities were built 30 ÷ 40 years ago. During this period the regulations and requirements for their operation have been changed. Digital technologies now allow more precise modeling and calculation of the structure of the crane track, as well as inspection the impact of individual elements on the stress state of the structure as a whole.
The effect of the present study will have the greatest impact on loading and unloading platforms in railway stations, harbors and intermodal terminals.



  1. UIC-860 - Technical specification for the supply of rails
  2. DIN 536 Part1 - Crane rails
  3. ГОСТ 7352-88 - Kраны козловые электрические Типы
  4. БДС EN 1992-1-1 Проектиране на бетонни и стоманобетонни конструкции
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  6. Денчева Зл., Горно строене и поддържане на железния път, София, 2014, стр.179

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