Study of age hardened MS1 material after the abrasive water jet application

  • 1 Technical University of Kosice
  • 2 Department of Automobile and Manufacturing Technologies, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with Seat in Presov


This contribution deals with the study of cut surface after the abrasive water jet application on the material Maraging Steel MS-1, prepared in the form of 3D printing method Direct Metal Laser Sintering. The aim of the study is to point out the morphology of the cut plane under the use of various technological parameters, like feed rate of machining and abrasive mass flow at the constant cut pressure. For the track morphology monitoring after the abrasive water jet application, scanning electron microscope SEM MIRA 3, f. Tescan, was used. For the identification of observed particles stabbed in the cut track, chemical composition EDX analysis was used.



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