The influence of electric discharge and solutions of surfactants on the filtration characteristics of porous, liquid-saturated media

  • 1 Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies of NAS of Ukraine, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
  • 2 S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The results of studies of the behavior of rocks with fluids under impulse pressure, which is induced by an electric discharge in solutions of surface-active substances (surfactants), are given. The mechanism of influence of high-voltage electric discharges and mechanical waves induced by them on the behavior of combined objects (porous rocks, hydrocarbon fluids filling their pores – oil and hydrogen surfactant solution, solid mineral sediment) is revealed.
It was found out that the use of a water-oil emulsion as a working medium for high-voltage electric discharge significantly (2 times for sandstones and 1.5 times for carbonates) increases the efficiency of the electric discharge effect compared to water.
The complex action of the electric discharge and the aqueous 0.3% solution of NMK-21, used as a working medium, leads to a synergistic effect in increasing the permeability of rocks by twice the sum of the effects for each component.
Work results can be used in the development of scientific foundations of managing the filtration properties of porous materials of various origins.



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