Analysis of theoretical studies on improving the design and technological scheme of a hydraulic ram pumping unit

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • 2 Faculty of Water, Land and Forest Resources, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The analysis of the theoretical studies carried out on the technological process of the hydraulic ram method of water lifting from watercourses to improve the design and technological scheme of a hydraulic ram pumping unit is given.
The design and technological scheme of an improved hydraulic ram pumping unit developed at Kazakh National Agrarian Research University for water lifting from watercourses for watering pastures and irrigation of land plots of peasant and farm farms of the agro–industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan is presented and theoretical prerequisites for determining the main parameters of a hydraulic ram pumping unit and the main criteria for their improvement are given.



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