The creation of stable systems and durable living systems with using of the nanosized particles

  • 1 Scientific and Educational Center of Chemical Physics and Mesoscopics, Udmurt Scientific Center (SC), Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
  • 2 Scientific and Educational Center of Chemical Physics and Mesoscopics, Udmurt Scientific Center (SC), Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, St. Petersburg SC, RAS


In this paper, from the standpoint of a new scientific direction of “chemical mesoscopics”, the features and mechanism of systems stabilization (self-organization) are considered on the example of nanostructures using as additives for the creation of stable systems. The difference between this mechanism and the mechanism of modification by micro-sized modifiers is noted, which consists in the fact that the influence of radiation of negatively charged quants radiated by nanostructures or mesoparticles leads to polarization of the components in the compositions and their self-organization in a certain “stable” order.
Examples of modification of building cement materials by ultra-small amounts (0.006%) of carbon nanotubes, as well as polymer compositions with the help of metal carbon mesocomposites (a new class of mesoparticles) and experimental evidence of the mechanism of compositions self-organization with using IR spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy are given.


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