Analysis of the materials and defects of Helical Submerged Arc Welding pipelines

  • 1 Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia


The work is performed by analysing spiral welded joints Helical Submerged Arc Welding and their most common errors, which they occur during the submerged arc welding process and can be detected by non-destructive tests. Pipelines were made of structural alloy steel, hot-rolled. Welded defects were detected by X-ray method. A microstructural test was carried out to detect internal errors of the weld joint. Mechanical tests were used to determine the effect on change of properties. After detecting errors on the end X-ray, they were welds subsequently corrected. Destructive or non-destructive testing of gas pipeline welds has its justification, mainly for safety reason.



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