Options for methods of experimental investigation of planetary gear sets

  • 1 University of Rusea, Bulgaria


Planetary power transmission are characterized through more complex design and kinematics parameters compared to involute gear trains with parallel shafts. It has been established that their components should be measured and monitored more frequently in order to avoid intensive wear. The paper presents a design project of an advanced experimental device for measuring vibration and wear of planetary gear components. As it is well known, approaches to direct measuring of wear and vibration parameters are difficult to be implemented in these gear trains. The application possibilities of a measurement system that includes a micro-electro-mechanical system, a temperature sensor and wireless modules assembled in a planetary gear trains have been considered. The advantages of micro-electro-mechanical measurement systems have been analyzed precisely. The main characteristics of micro-electro-mechanical sensors are low power consumption, small size and good control and monitoring capabilities. A suitable advanced methodology for the experimental study of planetary gears has been created as well. Conclusions and recommendations have been deduced.



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