- 1 Department Water Management, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Bulgaria
Modeling is one of the methods used to solve practical hydrogeological problems associated with movement and assessment of groundwater sources. It is has long been in place in hydrogeology with the first well-described modeling methods dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. Analog and digital techniques advancements in the late sixties made it possible to apply them more actively. Nowadays it is unthinkable to address such type of scientific problems without the use of contemporary software tools for geological and hydrogeological modeling. Coupled with modules used in GIS media such tools enable resolution of specific tasks aiming to describe underground filtration flow.
Combing innovative technologies for a detailed three-dimensional reconstruction (approximation) of a geological medium with detailed calculation procedures for a mathematical description of groundwater flow in such medium enable solving a wide spectrum of hydrogeological tasks of great complexity.
Numerous are the research institutes, universities and private organization worldwide that focus on developing contemporary software products for mathematic modeling. Specialized modules are designed to support hydrogeological surveys. The products developed operate on a very high level input data automation, graphic interface, visualization, etc. Some of the companies employ MODFLOW which is one of the most frequently used computer codes in groundwater flow modeling. It is module-type software based on the finite difference methods, and has been created by US Geological Survey McDonald and Harbaugh (USGS) [6], the output code being free software.
The approach employed in the case presented involves calculations and 3D visualization by means of our own simplified software (VISMAT) developed on the grounds of modern software and hardware solutions in combination with numerical methods. Part of MODFLOW code is also used in VISMAT development.