Innovative approach to contaminated soil phytoremediation: Heavy metal phytoextraction using energy crops

  • 1 Institute of Environment and Ecology, Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
  • 2 Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden


Heavy metal accumulation potential in the biomass and different plant parts of the selected species of energy crops cultivated on contaminated soil was evaluated. Phytoextraction potential, biomass yield and qualitative parameters of bioenergy plants grown on heavy metal contaminated soil has been measured. Finally heavy metal influence on biomass utilization possibilities, energy recovery and further safe use of the rest products has been evaluated. Demonstrated possibilities to grow bioenergy plants on moderately contaminated soil could increase the use of marginal lands, decrease land use competition between food and liquid biofuels and provide options for a gentle and cost-effective remediation.



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