Table of Contents


    • Effect of the lactic acid as a substrate on the butyric acid production by Clostridium beijerinckii 4A1 – preliminary data

      pg(s) 79-80

      In recent years, interest in butanol and butyric acid as a potential substitute for traditional fuels has grown. Microbiological production of butanol and butyric acid from carbohydrates is not economically advantageous due to several process defects. The cost reduction potential of the product is related to expanding the substrates used and optimizing the process’ economics. The metabolism of the strains Clostridia is in two stages – acidic and solvatogenic. In the beginning, carboxylic acids are formed, and afterward, these acids induce the preparation of solvents.
      The aim of this work is to study the effect of unusual substrate on butyric acid production by Clostridium beijerinckii 4A1. The experiments performed were based on a Reinforced Clostridial medium, using different concentrations of lactic acid as carbon source, at Т= 37 °C, and anaerobic conditions.

    • Assessment of quality parameters of blueberries and cherry tomatoes treated by micro torch of cold atmospheric pressure plasma

      pg(s) 81-82

      The cold atmospheric pressure operating plasma /CAPP/ offers attractive opportunities for various surface decontamination treatments of both food products and non-food materials. The technology is especially considered as promising mild but efficient surface treatment of fresh food products in order to extend their shelf live and sustain quality. Here we report evaluation of the effect of CAPP micro torch treatment of Canadian blueberries and cherry tomatoes related with the fruit quality and possible cell wall damages and changes of the total anthocyanins content of treated fruits. The problems and opportunities for further application of plasma jet generated CAPP treatment for fresh fruit decontamination are discussed. Thе research is funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under Grant DN08/8-2016.

    • Image segmentation of agricultural products using statistical indicators

      pg(s) 83-88

      Machine inspection is a mandatory technological process in industrial processing agriculture products. The camera detects color and shape based irregularities of the object resulting in a large number of parameters for decision-making and sorting product compliance. The goal was to discover a new criterion for decision-making using only the output signal of the RGB camera. Research employed the digital images of raspberries, blackberries, peas and yellow beans during real processing, obtained from a color sorter machine. The visual texture of the surface of the agricultural products was described via defined statistical indicators of color (color average value (Avg), standard deviation (Stdv), entropy (E), and lacunarity (L) was used from the sphere of image fractal analysis as one of the criteria. By applying the non-parametric tests: Wilcoxon signed rank and Friedman test, statistically significant difference was established for the L and Е criteria between compliant and non-compliant industrial products.

    • Investigation of lipstick properties using statistical methods

      pg(s) 89-91

      The rheological non-destructive oscillation testing is conducted in order to predict and quantify the samples’ properties of the commercial brand lipstick. The influence of the variation of the process parameters temperature, phase angle and strain are investigated. Regression models for the dependencies of the rheological and thermal properties (elastic modulus and shear stress) from the described process parameters are estimated, based on 681 experimental data in the temperature region from 26.9 °C to 74.7 °C.


    • World mobile services market: economic aspect

      pg(s) 92-95

      The structural trends of the last ten years in terms of individual connections in the mobile market have been identified. The characteristics of the largest companies in the world that provide mobile services have been given. The sources of creating new value in the mobile business have been named. A comparative analysis of the provision of services by the leaders of the global mobile services market (like China Mobile, AT&T and Vodafone) has been conducted. The advantages and disadvantages of these mobile operators have been highlighted. A comparative portfolio of services of leaders-mobile operators has been compiled. It has been concluded that there are differences between the UK market, Chinese and US operators.

    • Creation of a New Marketplace

      pg(s) 96-99

      Creating a new marketplace requires a different template of strategic thinking. Instead of searching within the accepted boundaries that define how we compete, managers can look systematically on them. In addition, they can find a free territory that represents a real breakthrough in value. This section will describe how companies can systematically follow the value of innovation by looking at the defined limits of competition – through alternative industries, through strategic groups, through customer groups, through complementary products and service offerings, through the functional – economic guidance of the industry, and even over time.

    • Investigation of the degree of maturity of bio-enterprises in relation to the global sustainable development goals

      pg(s) 100-103

      Growing environmental problems and the uneven distribution of wealth around the world raised questions more than forty years ago about how to achieve sustainability. The United Nations Commission on the Environment and Development (WCED), formed in the autumn of 1983 and chaired by Gru Harlem Bruntland, draws accurate and concrete conclusions using full information from all over the world on the state of the planet and develops a report called “Our Common Future”. Along with all the conclusions and recommendations, the Bruntland report introduces the concept of “sustainable development” which reads: Sustainable is a development that achieves the vital needs of the current generation without being deprived of it (ie without The leading aspect in this definition is the idea of reconciling the satisfaction of human needs with the limited resources, as well as the equality between the present and the future generations. The report demonstrates the need for a radical change in human activity to date and the need to establish sustainable development on a global scale. The conference in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992 played a crucial role in affirming the concept of sustainable development in modern society. combining the harmonious interaction between economic prosperity, social justice and a preserved environment. The purpose of this report is to present the results of a study on the degree of maturity of management in bio-sector enterprises to adopt global sustainable development goals and link them to their business practices.The results of the present study confirm the thesis that the modification of the current socio-economic model of development there is no alternative. The main non-reproducible energy and raw materials sources are about to run out in the foreseeable future.

    • Project of an experimental plant for the production of plates and granules of foam glass and composite material on this basis

      pg(s) 104-107

      A conceptual design of a technological line for the production on the one hand of a continuous flat strip and block and on the other hand granules and pieces of foam glass, including a ware house for raw materials, a workshop for preparation of materials, workshops for foamed granules and a continuous flat strip of foam glass, workshop for composite elements semi O, P and slabs, repair section and warehouse for finished products is presented The necessary equipment and materials, building the technological line and functioning of the plant as a whole, are presented.


    • State public relations in Serbia

      pg(s) 108-111

      Public relations (PR) is a scientific discipline that deals with the creation and maintenance of mutual understanding between an organization or an individual. The term “public relations” appeared in 1987 in an annual US railroad. Since then, a large number of national and international associations, institutions and agencies have been established. Also, many universities in the world have formed faculties and faculties established special departments and chairs for public relations (PR). The paper presents an overview of the emergence of public relations (PR), a review of the international association and public relations institute and the state public relations
      (PR) in Serbia.

    • Development of remote-control smart home system

      pg(s) 112-115

      The Smart Homes come rapidly into our everyday lives bringing comfort, security, help and many other benefits. The development of Information and Communication Technology and the advances in the applications based on Internet of Things emerged the appearing of more and more Smart Home solutions. The Smart Home System should implement default or custom integrated functions and intelligent self-adaptive methodology, based on the analysis of the habits, requirements and preferences of its inhabitants.
      In this paper the authors consider the development of Android and Wi-Fi based remote control Smart Home System, which integrates the analysis of the survey of the everyday habits of the people. An analysis of habits of 64 surveyed people was made. The results can be taken into account during the process of defining the default integrated functions at the stage of designing a Smart Home. The presence, absence or approaching certain location by the people are included as elements of the Smart Home System.