The cross-boundary impact of the landfill fires in Poland on air quality
- 1 Institute of Safety Engineering, The Main School of Fire Service Warsaw, Poland
In Poland, in 2018 there were 22044 fires of landfill and waste storage yards. Out of these, 79 covered area bigger than 300 m2. For comparison in the years 2010-2017 the number of such fires was not exciding 36 (only in 2015 this number was 47). During these fires, many pollutants are emitted into the atmospheric air. These pollutants are subject to meteorological conditions, especially to dispersion. There are few models which can be used for the calculation of dispersion of these substances in the atmosphere. Depending on the location of the fire, its size and duration, burned material, the concentrations of the pollutants have different spatial distribution. In the case of particulate matter (PM), which has a negative health impact regardless of the concentration, identification of any additional concentration of PM in ambient air is important. In the work, the dispersion of green-house gases and the other selected air pollutants from two fires from 2018, which has the biggest impact on air quality in the international scale, is presented
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