Research of the main factors’ influence on the strategy realization in the bulgarian entreprises

  • 1 Business Faculty – University of Food Technology -Plovdiv, Bulgaria


The practice shows that the segmentation of the company business environment is making the strategic decisions difficult task for the bulgarian managers. A cardinal unit for company’s environment analysis is the so called strategic business-zone (SBZ) – separate section by the company’s surraunding, that the company has or wants to receive access to. SBZ qualified itself with consumer’s demand and needs and specific technology. They are characterized from parameters like: perspectives of the growth, from demand’s life cycle vew point; expected degree of instability and factors of successful competition for the future. The main task of survey is: to be explored the specific factors’ influence on the strategic decisions in the bulgarian enterprises.
The main exploratory theory is confirmed, that to be made enough adequately strategic decision bulgarian managers must to decide among so many different factors and select the appropriate strategic business zones with the biggest potential for the company.



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