Generation Alpha and the education


The children of the new age went to school. These are the children of the generation Alpha who do not receive information through traditional channels. These are the children who play, learn and interact through technology. They do not want to and do not read in the traditional way. From a very young age, they have been in contact with information technology, successfully working on it, even before they have spoken. Alpha children are independent and curious, they have their own view of the world, which is different from that of their parents and teachers. Communicating with them requires an approach that is based on negotiation and compromise on the part of adults. Parents and teachers should understand, accept and support them more and criticize and educate them less violently. All this raises the question of
whether teachers are prepared to teach and take into account these new features of the alpha generation, which has already started school and interacts with the education system. Conflict situations often arise between teachers and children, in which educators fa il to respond adequately and professionally to parents



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