Generating management program of the test bench SKAD-1 for computer control of automotive gasoline injection engine

  • 1 Department of Transport Equipment, Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria


The new requirements of modern automotives become more stringent corresponding to power, torque, fuel economy and ecology legislations [2]. The main factor in this area is the automotive engine fuel system, which is controlled by the electronic control unit (ECU). The electronic control of the Spark Ignition Engines (SI engines), as well as the Direct Ignition Engines (DI engines) is based on the certain sensors signals, program maps and management algorithms. The advanced automotive scientific research centres and automotive manufacturers design and develop a specialized laboratory, stationary and movable test benches and train complex for researching and testing of automotive sensors and actuators, automotive prototypes and series, and automotive units. The test benches for internal combustion engine (ICE) management are the equipment, which are used for ICE development, specification and testing. These test benches allow the engine to work at different work modes and states and ensured measurement of the engine physical work parameters. The design of the engine management test benches enable easy access to the ICE certain systems, units and details. This paper includes results of the generating a control program using the Flowcode 7.0 software of test bench SKAD-1 for computer management of automotive gasoline injection engine, with ability to programming input parameters and measuring the output results.



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  2. Konrad R. Gasoline Engine Management. ISBN 978-3-658- 03963-9, Springer Vieweg, 2015.
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  4. R.V.Petrov, M.I.Bichurin, V.S.Leontiev, N.A.Kolesnikov, S.T.Bozhkov, L.G.Stanev, V.T.Pacheliev, I.K.Milenov, P.T.Bozhkov, The crankshaft position sensor based on magnetoelectric materials. The Power Electronics and Motion Control (IEEE-PEMC-2016 BULGARIA) “Modern Power Electronics and Motion Control aiming at Intelligent Solutions”, IEEE Catalog Number CFP1634A-USB, ISBN 978-1-5090-1797-3, pp.848-853, Varna, Bulgaria, 2016.
  5. - Renault Clio engine model
  6. - icons diagram
  7. - Flowcode
  8. - MI0245
  9. - MIAC (PIC) Flowcode Examples

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