Estimation of modal split parameters – a case study
- 1 Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
- 2 Growth Strategies Ltd., Zagreb, Croatia
Choosing a mode or type of transportation is certainly one of the most important steps in a classic transportation model, given that it has a significant impact on the traffic planning and transport policy of a city. The choice of transport mode (e.g. passenger car, public transport, bicycle, walking) depends on the availability of transport modes and the generalized cost of transportation by transport mode from origin to destination. The choice of mode of transportation is also significantly influenced by the trip purpose. The most commonly used model for determining the modal split is the logit model. Parameters of utiliy function for each mode were estimated based on a household travel survey in Slavonski Brod, Croatia using the Biogeme program. The generalized cost and impedance towards using each transport mode is expressed by the utility function. This paper presents a methodology for determining the utility function for each transport mode using the Biogeme program.
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