Investigation of the thermostatic system of high-voltage components of an electric vehicle in real time during the XIL experiment

  • 1 Head of Department, NAMI Russian State Research Center (FSUE “NAMI”), Russia
  • 2 Project director, NAMI Russian State Research Center (FSUE “NAMI”), Russia


The automotive industry is facing new challenges in the electric vehicle segment. It is relevant to conduct joint research of various vehicle systems in a common virtual physical environment, which will allow combining a large number of test rigs located in different parts of the world. A common virtual physical environment, called X-in-the-loop, was developed, as a part of these studies. The work involves the joint connection and use of test rig for various purposes, software simulators, driving simulators, etc., to conduct a comprehensive study of the components and systems of electric vehicles in real time. The development of the thermostating system for highvoltage components is an urgent and important task when creating modern electric vehicles. A test rig was created at FSUE NAMI to study the operation of the thermostating system for high-voltage components of an electric vehicle’s traction drive. The test rig includes a physical simulation of high-voltage components of the traction drive of an electric vehicle from the point of view of temperature and hydraulic conditions of the components studied at other test rigs included in the XIL experiments. The scientific article presents the concept of a developed test rig. The article also describes the test modes that were necessary to conduct research on various components and systems of electric vehicles in various conditions. The article describes a method for controlling the actuators of the thermostating system and devices designed to reproduce the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of cooled objects (motor-wheels and inverters) in real time. A test rig for the study of the thermostating system of high-voltage components, modelling, prototyping and testing were carried out in the process of developing.



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