Energy and exergy evaluation of co2 closed-cycle gas turbine
- 1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
This paper present energy and exergy evaluation of CO2 closed-cycle gas turbine process. The most important operating parameters of the whole observed cycle, as well as of each of its constituent components are presented and discussed. In the observed process, produced useful mechanical power for the power consumer drive is equal to 5189.78 kW, while the energy efficiency of the whole cycle is equal to 36.6%. Heat Regenerator is a crucial component of the observed process – without its operation energy efficiency of the whole cycle will be equal to only 16.91%. From the exergy aspect, Turbocompressor (TC) and Turbine (TU) shows good performances because its exergy efficiencies are higher than 90%. Regenerator exergy efficiency could be increased by lowering the temperature of the ambient in which analyzed CO2 closed-cycle gas turbine operates.
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