Issues regarding the rolling highways
- 1 CFR Marfa – National Company of Freight Railway Transport, Bucharest, Romania
Very popular among the environment activists and public authorities, the rolling highways prove to have a poor commercial viability. Therefore, the paper tries to find the reasons for this fact. The analysis starts with the descriptions of the technical solutions, then the traffic volumes recorded on different transport relations / countries are presented, together with the main findings from the European experience. The trends are explained considering the operational issues, the transport costs, the factors influencing the demand, the state support and the railway regulations, as well as the requirements of the customers. Special comments are focused on the Romanian experience, indicating the operational issues specific to Romania, the necessity for state aids with intensities of 45 – 60% from the costs, as well as the savings in external costs. The main conclusions are that the rolling highways are environmentally friendly, but costly and that they could develop only if the public authorities implement appropriate support measures and aids.
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